Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Four legs good, two legs bad"

I spent most of my Halloween lesson planning for my class tomorrow. I'm introducing pictorials (my favourite) to my students and I was at Starbucks making a slideshow.

While there, I was reading "Animal Farm" on my Ipad.
What a great read so far. I read a chapter today where several animals are slaughtered by other animals (as if humans don't do enough of it already). It made me think of the reasons why I went vegetarian 7 years ago.

Anyway, after reading a couple more chapters, I took my camera out and took 2 photos of the scene in front of me.

Both were shot with the same shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. The white balance was set on auto. I shot manually and went with an open aperture to let more light through the lens because it was an indoor shot. The shutter speed was somewhat quick; you don't wanna make it too fast or too slow, but something in the middle.

I also wanted to focus on the strong shadows the light was bringing in, in the second photo. Here they are. BTW, I don't think I'm allowed to take photos inside any Starbucks. I got away with it this time.

Manual, f. 5.6, 1/125, ISO 100

See ya!


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