Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Four legs good, two legs bad"

I spent most of my Halloween lesson planning for my class tomorrow. I'm introducing pictorials (my favourite) to my students and I was at Starbucks making a slideshow.

While there, I was reading "Animal Farm" on my Ipad.
What a great read so far. I read a chapter today where several animals are slaughtered by other animals (as if humans don't do enough of it already). It made me think of the reasons why I went vegetarian 7 years ago.

Anyway, after reading a couple more chapters, I took my camera out and took 2 photos of the scene in front of me.

Both were shot with the same shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. The white balance was set on auto. I shot manually and went with an open aperture to let more light through the lens because it was an indoor shot. The shutter speed was somewhat quick; you don't wanna make it too fast or too slow, but something in the middle.

I also wanted to focus on the strong shadows the light was bringing in, in the second photo. Here they are. BTW, I don't think I'm allowed to take photos inside any Starbucks. I got away with it this time.

Manual, f. 5.6, 1/125, ISO 100

See ya!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Walking around USC

M: f7.1, 1/125, ISO: 160, JPEG

This past weekend, I was in the mood to shoot some random photographs and test out my new 7D. I was at a Starbucks near USC responding to emails, editing photos and sending some out for printing. As soon as I was finished will all that, I took both my DSLR's with me and walked around the uni of so cal for about an hour.

Nothing caught my attention for the first 15 minutes. I took about 50 photos that hour and only decided on 4. The rose above is the fourth one.

How many people DON'T take photos of roses right? It's a worn out image that everyone seems to take a photo of. I'm not too fond of rose photos but here is mine.

I shot it in manual mode (my exposures are above). I should have lowered the ISO to 100 since it was an overcast day. I set my white balance to Cloudy and shot in Zone AutoFocus. I usually rely on the camera to focus the subject for me since I have terrible eye vision; even with my contacts on.

I decided to shoot in JPEG and not RAW since I hardly edit my photos to an extreme using photoshop. I know some people shoot in RAW for the safety of attaining more information in each photo, but nah. I'm alright with JPEG, for now.

As for photos, I haven't taken any this week. Well I have, but they're all work related.

See ya!

Jake Coronel

About Jake Coronel

Hello, and welcome to my first blog entry.
I will be blogging about all things Jake Coronel Photography©.
For instance, I will (try to) write about every shoot I have, what challenges I faced when shooting, the exposures I used to shoot, etc.

History about my photography beginnings:
My name is Jake Coronel and I have been taking photographs since I was 10 years old. My photo endeavors began when I received my first camera for my 10th birthday. I was in 5th grade and the camera I received was a Canon film Sure Shot 36-76mm. From that day forward, I carried my camera everywhere I went. I immersed myself into nature/scenic photography; often photographing plants and insects in my front yard, sunsets, and animals.

What I love about photography is having the ability to freeze a moment in history with a click of a button. I remember EVERY single photo I've ever taken, when I took it, why I took it, and how I felt when I took it. For example, I remember photographing 2 palm trees at a local Kmart on a cold, cloudy Fall afternoon when I was 14 years old. I had stepped out of my parents' car and saw a great scene in front of me, took my camera out, SNAP!

By the age of 14, I was shooting with a Canon Digital Power Shot. I snapped a lot even with a film camera. I'd develop about 8 rolls of film a month. My finger never left the shutter once I had gone digital.

By 15, I was yearning for a Single Lens Reflex camera. I did some research (which, back then, meant looking at magazines and not the internet) and found a line of cameras at Best Buy. I bought a 500 dollar Canon EOS Rebel XT and was literally "through the roof" for owning such a fancy, beautiful camera.

I'm 23 now, and use a Canon EOS Rebel XSi and a Canon EOS 7D. I own 6 cameras total; including the first one I received 12 years ago.

I specialize in landscape and nature photography. Pictorials are also a major part of my portfolio and some of my favorite things to shoot. 5 people own Jake Coronel Photography© original prints.

I have shot several events, portraits, and engagements.

2 of my pictorials were published in the Santa Monica Corsair.

I have been hired to conduct personal photo shoots all over Los Angeles and Orange County.

Welcome to my photo blog.

Jake Coronel